THE RETURN Was Laura Harring's declined part 'But who is the dreamer?'


Sparkwood & 21
Apr 19, 2022
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I've wondered if the role her agent told her to turn down was actually the Monica Bellucci scene -
It fits in regards to lack of dialogue etc - and if she had been cast, it would have been (for me, at least) an explicit connection between MD and TP and IE.

Both born in 1964, both beautiful, both brunettes, etc.…

(Figure I might as well get all my iffy theories and opinions out early)
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I don't see it, despite the physical resemblance between them. Part of the iconicity of the scene, in my opinion, resides is the fact that Monica Bellucci is such a big name. It's just ridiculous that Gordon dreams about her. The simple act of mentioning her is a bit of a break of the 4th wall, as the world of (the original) Twin Peaks is not full of pop culture references. The Return smash that ethereal construction introducing a lot of real bands –with their real names– in the Roadhouse lineup, and I don't think that's casual. The "realness" of the Odessa-world wraps a theme that the show was anticipating slowly: a collision between realities. Yes, the original script could have stated "I had another Laura Elena Harring dream", but I don't see that words or that image as strong as "I had another Monica Belluci dream".
True true. Although the scene and that Belluci line may have been adaptions to the original script rather than inherent to it from the get go.
Yes, you're right. In fact, that was the last scene they shoot it, wasn't it? And in 'David Lynch: the art life' we can see a glimpse of a hand writing piece of the monologue, so it's clear the scene could have suffered a lot of changes in the process.
I suspect if it was that scene, she wouldn’t have been Laura Elena Harring, but a version of MD character, who also turned up at the end of IE - it could be 'I had another Cooper dream' - two Coopers etc.

The only other really dialogue light role is the woman in Cole's room, and I doubt it was that - if the agent said to reject the 'Roadhouse chat' scenes, then he's even dumber than I thought.

She's not the same level as Dern or Watts, but MD is such a key film in Lynch's work, some call back would have been nice, even if you don’t think that's meant to be Laura and Ronette at Club Silencio.

But I love the Monica Bellucci scene, so all's well that ends well.


Perhaps another thread, but I suspect that Justin Theroux's intended role was probably (that fucker) Ray...
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And in 'David Lynch: the art life' we can see a glimpse of a hand writing piece of the monologue, so it's clear the scene could have suffered a lot of changes in the process.
I remember when that still got leaked. That was probably the most excited I got about any spoiler. Those lines were so evocative.
The only other really dialogue light role
There are lots of other dialogue-light roles, from (as you note) the Roadhouse scenes, to the woman with the with vomiting girl who's late to see her uncle, to lady slot-addict, to the Bosomy Woman who lets Mr. C in to see Jeffries, to American Girl, to Naido (who may not have always been named Naido), and many others. And of course it's possible they just dropped the character, if it was a small part, once Laura Harring declined.

If she was offered one of the very unglamorous roles I just mentioned, it might help explain her declining the role. But really this is just wild speculation because we have no clue. I agree it's interesting to think about, though, and I do really wish she'd have accepted, as it would've been very intriguing to see any new avenues it might open up for thinking about the links between TP:TR and MD (or even IE).
There are lots of other dialogue-light roles, from (as you note) the Roadhouse scenes, to the woman with the with vomiting girl who's late to see her uncle, to lady slot-addict, to the Bosomy Woman who lets Mr. C in to see Jeffries, to American Girl, to Naido (who may not have always been named Naido), and many others. And of course it's possible they just dropped the character, if it was a small part, once Laura Harring declined.

If she was offered one of the very unglamorous roles I just mentioned, it might help explain her declining the role. But really this is just wild speculation because we have no clue. I agree it's interesting to think about, though, and I do really wish she'd have accepted, as it would've been very intriguing to see any new avenues it might open up for thinking about the links between TP:TR and MD (or even IE).
I remember thinking Bérénice Marlohe reminded me of Laura Haring when I watched her scene.
It's an intriguing idea, and I can't help but feel if it was her the intent would be to somewhat undermine our conception of MD, which would be a somewhat novel bit of metafiction. The scene wouldn't obviously refer to Cooper, or TP or its world, but Diane, or I guess the idea of the recurring trope of the dreamer in Lynch's work, or just the general idea of it as an idea, not a literal plot goings-on.