Unrecorded Night & Twin Peaks Season 4

Yikes! Let's go with what Stavrogyn said and make it 300 or less, hopefully much less, before more might be announced if it ever is.

We can always increase the posts-per-page count to keep numbers low :D
Seems as though CBS put out an entire section dedicated to Twin Peaks in their magazine.

My tinfoil hat theory is that Lynch has the project but it’s not finished. He was aiming for Cannes thus leading to all of the rumors and reports. He might just still be working on it.
You know that movie trope of a detective so obssessed with the case that he's abandoned everything in his life and is now living in some dank apartment/motel room where he has scrawlings, newspaper clippings, photos and charts all over the walls...

Yeah, I don't know where I was going with that. ;)
Seems as though CBS put out an entire section dedicated to Twin Peaks in their magazine.

My tinfoil hat theory is that Lynch has the project but it’s not finished. He was aiming for Cannes thus leading to all of the rumors and reports. He might just still be working on it.

Hopefully your source may confirm or at least cryptically hint this to you at some point.
The scans of the magazine and the photographs are beautiful and it's a mix of OG Twin Peaks and a bit of The Return on the last page - and the photos really work well together, like it's all one big show, which it is though sometimes we tend to think of them as very separate.
I’m going to keep digging around and find out some info.

I heard back from one person and while I didn’t hear any new information I did get an inclination that the Variety story wasn’t just randomly sent out.

The person I talked with has connections in Variety.
Seems as though CBS put out an entire section dedicated to Twin Peaks in their magazine.

My tinfoil hat theory is that Lynch has the project but it’s not finished. He was aiming for Cannes thus leading to all of the rumors and reports. He might just still be working on it.

Lynch has been saying he's been doing color correction and such in interviews. He's mentioned doing this for Lost Highway, but in some others interviews he's just mentioned doing it in general. Perhaps he has a film at this stage of post-production.
Here's a fun little bit of news regarding not the rumours but the old S4/Speculation thread. I reached out to the poster who started that thread, PeteMartell, via email option on Dugpa telling him the thread had become one of the most popular and used threads and the board was closing and to join us on the new forum.

Anyway, didn't expect a reply as figured he wouldn't see the message if he didn't get notified by the general board closing one, but got a response via email saying "he had no idea" (whether about the thread becoming so huge or the board closing, maybe both) as hadn't visited much but would try to weigh back in.

I've emailed him back and shared a link to this thread. Let's hope he finds us and joins us here!

Pete, if you see this let us know if/when you're here. And you'll find a link to the original thread you started on Dugpa and all 600+ subsequent pages of it at the top of this thread. Welcome also in advance if you do sign up here! If you're under a different name, let us know.

Edit: @PeteMartell is this you?
The magazine is promoting shows that stream on Paramount platforms. I presume the magazine features lots of shows that have no prospects of revival.
Hi everyone! Great to have this place open :-)

I'm convinced something is in the works, and possibly near the finish line. I'm still hopeful it'll come out at some point this year, but I don't think it will be at Cannes.
The next artificial deadline we can set for ourselves is the Venice festival I suppose.

Although, without any leaks or a further rumour, I'm finding it difficult to really expect anything anymore.

I'll still do my amateur investigations (consisting of tweeting people - go me) but that's just more cos it's fun to do. 😂
We definitely need a new (credible) rumour asap to help keep this new forum revving up - though people will still choose to post here without one, I think. Still, how amazing would've been switching over from the old site to here with news just dropped that a new David Lynch project or Twin Peaks movie was premiering at Cannes, possibly leading to a new season? This feels more fitting (if disappointing) and realistic for the rumours, but the other way would'be been amazing and like 2015/2016 all over again.
I generally share baxter's optimism something is coming eventually. There just seems to be too much smoke for there to be absolutely nothing to it (the Telegraph article actually did a nice job of summing up the rumor mill). Not sure it'll come together quickly enough for Venice but I'm cautiously optimistic.

BUT...and this whole experience has been listening to the optimism angel on one shoulder and the pessimism devil on the other...on the other hand I keep coming back to...why? Why keep denying and saying there's nothing if there eventually will be? At least in the relatively near future, ostensibly? It makes sense really early when the canthaveit/Production Weekly leaks come out, to create more of an air of mystery. But if it's true there's something resembling a working cut somewhere out there, it's surely pretty late in the game to reasonably convince people it doesn't exist? Even when Lynch and crew denied up and down more Twin Peaks was coming that was in the weeks leading up to the Return being announced, not shot and edited. Even for INLAND EMPIRE, a film notoriously shrouded in mystery, he still talked about it and making it before it was released. I believe he had interviews in 2005 talking about loving the shooting process of digital video. He literally said:
""I've never worked on a project in this way before. I don't know exactly how this thing will finally unfold ... This film is very different because I don't have a script. I write the thing scene by scene and much of it is shot and I don't have much of a clue where it will end. It's a risk, but I have this feeling that because all things are unified, this idea over here in that room will somehow relate to that idea over there in the pink room."

That was pre-release, before it dropped at Venice and the NYFF. I think there would be a tipping point where you earn more buzz and goodwill by at least confirming something exists, especially this close to the finish line. Every time I find myself being too assured something is coming for sure I remind myself that it would be an awfully weird look to outright lie this close to it seeing the light of day. The only thing I can think of if is there's some legal/distribution woes behind the scene that are effectively putting strong gag orders/NDAs in place so nobody can talk about it even if they wanted to.