SPECULATION Supposed official Twin Peaks video game

I'd heard of a demo for a fanmade Twin Peaks game going around. Maybe it's this and there's been some wires crossed. Someone said on Reddit his bio has been rewritten to remove any mention of Peaks.

I kinda have a feeling for Lynch at this point Twin Peaks is a "continuing story" he'd like to have in his direct control rather than a big sprawling franchise with all kinds of "brand content" but who knows?
As for this new thing, a few thoughts:

  • There was a Gear VR version of the Twin Peaks VR Experience in development at one point that got cancelled. But that was cancelled years ago so it's probably not what's being referenced on the flyer. However.... That was published by Showtime, which is owned by Paramount. So it fits.

  • Speaking of Paramount, if they're the ones developing a new TP video game (as implied in that flyer) rather than merely licencing and distributing it, then don't get your hopes up on how it turns out. Even if it is real. In terms of production values it probably wouldn't be Alan Wake quality but more Twin Peaks VR quality, I fear.

  • This is how almost all video game projects get leaked before being announced: Developers and visual artists need to have their resumes out there to get work, and to get work they need recent jobs on their resumes. Very hard to keep games secret for this reason.
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I would want Sam Lake and Kojima to collaborate with Lynch and frost on a game. Both are huge Twin peaks/ Lynch fans and would be honoured to work with Lynch and Frost
Yes! Turned into Deadly Premonition, one of the all-time cult classic games. The same developer put out a more recent game called The Good Life which finally takes place in a town called Rainy Woods.
Did any see Alan wake 2? The game looks so real. The graphics I mean. Plus they have integrated live action into it too. Also black lodge vibes

Did any see Alan wake 2? The game looks so real. The graphics I mean. Plus they have integrated live action into it too.

This is the diner from the first game.

Triple D lol.

Screenshot 2023-09-10 at 16.58.42.png
Always wished Remedy would make a bona fide Twin Peaks written by Lynch and Frost. In my head it would have been a quasi-continuation of the original series with individual 'episodes' (much like they did for Alan Wake).

Alan Wake surely has the most Twin Peaks references in any game, pound-for-pound (alongside Deadly Premonition, perhaps). Can't wait for Alan Wake II in November.
Bit of an aside but think about how influential Peaks has been to video gaming. Hugely influential. It inspired Nintendo with The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening to the point where they even consulted Mark Frost, and that game's approach to character defined the entire series going forward. Hidetaka Suehiro with Deadly Premonition, The Missing, etc. Keiichiro Toyama and Silent Hill, Sam Lake with Max Payne, Alan Wake, etc. Peaks influenced these games in a significant way, then many went on to be significantly influential in their own right.
I just finished Alan Wake for the first time yesterday in preparation for part 2. Amy anybody played the Cube escape games? They are good puzzle mystery games. It’s about a detective called Dale something who has come to investigate a dead girl called Laura something in a small town.

They even have a short film. Twin peaks vibes
Why would Paramount invest in some cult series' video game adaption 6 years after it's last release?

It just seems there would be a ton of IPs that would be better suited for milking, that are more popular with gaming crowds too.
But you never know. In the gaming form, twin peaks can be a huge hit. There is already a cult following. It’s an existing IP. Paramount has made a lot of losses this year so maybe they wanna milk every possible IP. Twin peaks in gaming form if created by Lynch and Frost and can definitely work. Millions of streamers play stuff like backrooms and other Lynchian stuff so the world will definitely accept twin peaks. Alan wake is literally twin peaks and it’s a mainstream game and is definitely a hit
But it's also a shooter. I'd really hate to see a TP shooter.
Actually, TP seems made for a shooter/point and click combo! Think of all the levels! I can imagine a Doom clone where you go around the red-curtained black lodge shooting BOB spheres and Little Men from Other Places!! Every so often, you get 'DOPPELGANGER!!' appear onscreen and a duplicate of the player appears and mimics your actions! The RR shootout, where you use bits of crockery and throw coffee cups (when you hit a target, Cooper's voice comes on saying 'Hits the spot!' and 'Damn fine cup of coffee!') the Great Northern level, the woodlands level where you have to find clues in the log cabin and the train carriage... the Purple Sea level leading to a journey through cubes in mysterious buildings, the theatre level! It could be a lot of fun! :D

If Lynch and Frost are involved, I wonder if it will be continuation/extension of Twin Peaks - a 'season 4' - rather than a game using TV series and movie narrative beats.
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Since a lot of actors are dead, they can still be bought back in the video game format. Live action still has the uncanny valley. I would want to game to be a mystery game. Just use the motion capture from LA Noire