
What Lynch says Blake said about Natalie Wood contradicts what Doug Trumbull said about Natalie Wood, which is that she was NOT afraid of water and that there was a scene in his movie Brainstorm where she's swimming in a pool that the studio made him cut out as to not be controversial.
What Lynch says Blake said about Natalie Wood contradicts what Doug Trumbull said about Natalie Wood, which is that she was NOT afraid of water and that there was a scene in his movie Brainstorm where she's swimming in a pool that the studio made him cut out as to not be controversial.
There's a Warren Beatty magazine profile from 2016 where Blake makes a random appearance to claim that about her and Beatty denies it too. beatty blake.PNG
There's a Warren Beatty magazine profile from 2016 where Blake makes a random appearance to claim that about her and Beatty denies it too. View attachment 704
Natasha Gregson Wagner, who of course was in Lost Highway and was Wood’s daughter, also denies the fear of water rumor in a documentary (here’s a review which mentions this): Natalie Wood: What Remains Behind movie review (2020) | Roger Ebert

But I did find another article where the owners of the home where Trumbull shot the movie Jordan is talking about claim that Wood was so afraid to get in the pool, which was only five feet, that the production called in a scientist to test the safety of the water in order to convince her to shoot the scene.

Much like with the murder of Blake’s wife, I doubt there will ever be any real clarity on Wood’s death, especially at this point.
No in memoriam appearances at the Oscars for Blake, or for that matter Sizemore. Or Anne Heche. Feels like there was a conscious decision to exclude people who deserved to be in there based on their body of work, due to questionable personal lives. Kimmel even had an extended joke beforehand about viewers voting on whether Blake should be in it.
They left out a toooon of people. They always do. Estelle Harris! Tony Sirico!

I was particularly mad last year when a notable friend of mine in show business died suddenly and tragically and was left out. Made studio movies, had his own TV shows, etc, etc.
They left out a toooon of people. They always do. Estelle Harris! Tony Sirico!

I was particularly mad last year when a notable friend of mine in show business died suddenly and tragically and was left out. Made studio movies, had his own TV shows, etc, etc.
They have a (completely stupid) policy that people best known for other mediums (TV, stage) don’t make the cut, which probably explains Sirico and Harris. Even Ed Asner, for Christ’s sake, was left out for this reason a couple years ago. Who even makes that determination what a person is “best” known for? If you’ve worked in film, you’ve worked in film.

I was glad to see Angelo in there.
Honestly one of my favorite parts of the Oscars is noticing how many people the “In Memoriam” leaves out every year.

I suppose I can understand why Blake would be omitted, but Anne Heche getting ignored bugs me a little bit. Perhaps certain people in the academy are still butt hurt over her accusations that she was blacklisted for coming out in the late 90’s.
Honestly one of my favorite parts of the Oscars is noticing how many people the “In Memoriam” leaves out every year.

I suppose I can understand why Blake would be omitted, but Anne Heche getting ignored bugs me a little bit. Perhaps certain people in the academy are still butt hurt over her accusations that she was blacklisted for coming out in the late 90’s.
I assume it’s moreso due to the frankly bizarre circumstances of her death, where she engaged in multiple hit and run incidents that could have seriously hurt someone (besides herself). It seems unclear whether or not she was driving under the influence, although the most accurate tests seem to indicate that she was not, making the whole thing even weirder.
I assume it’s moreso due to the frankly bizarre circumstances of her death, where she engaged in multiple hit and run incidents that could have seriously hurt someone (besides herself). It seems unclear whether or not she was driving under the influence, although the most accurate tests seem to indicate that she was not, making the whole thing even weirder.
Yeah, I thought about that.

My own read is that she was experiencing a manic spike, although I’m really not qualified to be making a diagnosis or judgement here.