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I don't get it, sorry. If the theory is saying Cooper is the dreamer and in S3 he enacts an ending of his choice to the dream, then I am onboard. Or if Cooper is one of several dreamers active in the same arena, even better. But you / the post author lost me at "That means he has to bring Laura Palmer back to life". I'm guessing the James ending was wry humour.
I've always taken "we live inside a dream" to be a spiritual/metaphysical statement above all, which was made explicit by the "we are like the dreamer" quote in TR.
Interesting post. A lot of good observations.
I don't get it, sorry. If the theory is saying Cooper is the dreamer and in S3 he enacts an ending of his choice to the dream, then I am onboard. Or if Cooper is one of several dreamers active in the same arena, even better. But you / the post author lost me at "That means he has to bring Laura Palmer back to life". I'm guessing the James ending was wry humour.

I don't get it either. The writing was witty and I loved the James quip at the end.

Can't vouch for the actual analysis. Though it provides some interesting ideas to think about even if we dismiss the 'findings'
I don't get it either. The writing was witty and I loved the James quip at the end.

Can't vouch for the actual analysis. Though it provides some interesting ideas to think about even if we dismiss the 'findings'
Ok i think it makes more sense if it's clear he was half joking.

I really don't get those analyses that are convoluted to the point that the author and readers get lost, and the ultimate reason is something trivial about Laura has to come home to relive her sadness and Judy won't like that much! And did it really require all of Twin Peaks Season 1-3 + Fire Walk WIth Me for that to happen?

It did have some interesting reflections.