Other TV shows Worth Checking Out - Modern

No one has mentioned The Good Place. It's the only show besides The Return that has interested me the last few years...although for some reason I fell off watching it at the beginning of Season 3 and just finished watching it now.

It is one of the few shows that wrapped up perfectly.

Been meaning to watch that for a long while. Bumping it up the queue now. Thanks!
Succession is as good as the hype suggests. Kendall Roy and some of his flaws remind me a little of Dale Cooper.
Anybody else watching the new LOTR show on Prime? I'm not normally a huge fantasy/Tolkien guy but my girlfriend loves the Peter Jackson films so we watched the first 2 episodes this weekend. It is very well made and almost worth watching for the production value alone.
I'm planning to watch it together with my brother (he's the one who has got Prime) when he's back from his holidays. I liked the three LOTR movies a lot but I didn't care that much for the three Hobbit movies and now I'm really curious to find out what they're doing with this show.
I'm a huge Tolkien geek so I'm definitely watching. However, the show covers a time period of Middle Earth Tolkien wrote very little about. So I'm not yet sure the showrunners can fill in the gaps in a manner that does justice to Tolkien's writing. Oh well, it's only serialized television.
I really quite liked the first two episodes but they weren't as great as PJ's lotr trilogy. Like @Ickles says, the production value is amazing.
The journey to Valinor was unbelievably beautiful for instance. Galadriel jumping off the boat last minute was a bit silly imo.

The backlash over the poc actors is huge :/ I'm unsure if anything ever got review bombed so fiercely.
I still think Bloodline's 1st season is just about the greatest single season of a show ever. The subsequent seasons had an impossible task in following it up..
I still think Bloodline's 1st season is just about the greatest single season of a show ever. The subsequent seasons had an impossible task in following it up..
Loved that show. I did also like the 2nd season, but tbh, couldn't make it past the 1st episode of the 3rd season.
Loved that show. I did also like the 2nd season, but tbh, couldn't make it past the 1st episode of the 3rd season.
I can't look at Kevin without being reminded of Michael Anthony, the original Van Halen bassist..
But yeah, the big shocking thing that happened at the end of Bloodline S2 kinda felt like a lesser version of the big shocking thing from S1's penultimate episode... It probably should have been a 1 season miniseries.
But yeah, the big shocking thing that happened at the end of Bloodline S2 kinda felt like a lesser version of the big shocking thing from S1's penultimate episode... It probably should have been a 1 season miniseries.
I would go ahead and watch Season 3, but I canceled my Netflix subscription. Just to be a 'completist'. But when a show starts rehashing the same basic 'shock', yeah, I kind of lose interest.
I'm 3 episodes into Yellowjackets and enjoying it. So far its a fun ride.

Also I've been watching Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.. It's not perfect, but its the first nu-Trek series that isnt a chore to sit through IMO.
Hello forum. I like talking about TV.

I suppose my picks for favorite modern (like post 2000??) TV shows would be Mad Men, The Sopranos, The Wire, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Review, Nathan For You, The Rehearsal, LOST, The Leftovers...hmmm (I know I'm forgetting some.) I enjoyed Severance in the past month quite a bit.

Like many of you I feel kind of spoiled by Twin Peaks and it's often hard to find a show that measures up. I find that shows that attempt the Lynch thing, like Legion, etc, even if I can kind of enjoy them, they feel kind of insulting to me (Legion in my eyes is more of a ripoff of Lynch than an homage.) Shows like Patriot (more of a Coen Bros riff) started out pretty good but wore out its welcome hard in season 2. I find things like the Fargo show offensive. I just think the best art isn't based on someone else's art so 100%, but comes from an original spark. Sorry, I may be ranting here, first post jitters.

My all time favorites will forever be: X-Files, Twin Peaks, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, The Sopranos, and on the comedy end, Seinfeld, The Simpsons (1-8), Mr. Show and Kids in the Hall. I'm also a sort of obsessive fan of the Bruce Timm-led DC animated universe, starting with Batman: The Animated Series and ending with Justice League Unlimited. Disney's Gargoyles cartoon is also a big thing for me (damn good show.)

Funny thing about Kids in the Hall: when I was in film school people kept saying my short films were like David Lynch's work. I had never seen any of Lynch until I was out of film school, so I didn't know how this was possible except that I like weird dreamy funny stuff. But then it hit me recently: a lot of Kids in the Hall sketches are directly inspired by David Lynch, and growing up watching KITH gave me that sensibility without even knowing the source.
Hello forum. I like talking about TV.

I suppose my picks for favorite modern (like post 2000??) TV shows would be Mad Men, The Sopranos, The Wire, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Review, Nathan For You, The Rehearsal, LOST, The Leftovers...hmmm (I know I'm forgetting some.) I enjoyed Severance in the past month quite a bit.

Like many of you I feel kind of spoiled by Twin Peaks and it's often hard to find a show that measures up. I find that shows that attempt the Lynch thing, like Legion, etc, even if I can kind of enjoy them, they feel kind of insulting to me (Legion in my eyes is more of a ripoff of Lynch than an homage.) Shows like Patriot (more of a Coen Bros riff) started out pretty good but wore out its welcome hard in season 2. I find things like the Fargo show offensive. I just think the best art isn't based on someone else's art so 100%, but comes from an original spark. Sorry, I may be ranting here, first post jitters.

My all time favorites will forever be: X-Files, Twin Peaks, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, The Sopranos, and on the comedy end, Seinfeld, The Simpsons (1-8), Mr. Show and Kids in the Hall. I'm also a sort of obsessive fan of the Bruce Timm-led DC animated universe, starting with Batman: The Animated Series and ending with Justice League Unlimited. Disney's Gargoyles cartoon is also a big thing for me (damn good show.)

Funny thing about Kids in the Hall: when I was in film school people kept saying my short films were like David Lynch's work. I had never seen any of Lynch until I was out of film school, so I didn't know how this was possible except that I like weird dreamy funny stuff. But then it hit me recently: a lot of Kids in the Hall sketches are directly inspired by David Lynch, and growing up watching KITH gave me that sensibility without even knowing the source.
Love Nathan Fielder... I found the first episode of the Rehearsal to be incredibly moving.
Love Nathan Fielder... I found the first episode of the Rehearsal to be incredibly moving.

Funny story about THAT too...I know the woman the episode is about, who the guy is practicing the Rehearsal for. She's a background extra that I see and have spoken to many times on the job (I've been working as a background extra, one of my latest jobs was with Jennifer Lynch directing!) I was in absolute shock during this episode.
Yes, Legion isn't a bad show but it really underscores the difference between Lynch's intuitive approach to the surreal vs. the rigid and formal approach many others take. Feels a bit more calculated and rebus-like compared to Lynch's heterogeneity.
I just think Noah Hawley is a big ripoff phony, to be honest. His Fargo show ripped off the Coen Brothers filmmaking style (and Hawley gets so much praise for this...why?), then I noticed he did similar techniques in Legion. But uh, that's not allowed, right? Like it's his JOB to do that on Fargo, but not for other works. And then season 2 of Legion started ripping off Lynch left and right, from the little slimy bug thing crawling into someone's mouth, to a shot stolen from Mulholland Drive, to a sequence completely ripped off from episode 3 of Cooper meeting Naido, etc.

I do think Hawley has talent, or maybe a better word would be skill. I'd be interested in what he can do that doesn't involve other previous creators or works.
Fargo felt kinda the same to me. A very calculated attempt to capture the Coen Bros magic. I guess you could say that calculation felt inauthentic or stiff in comparison. I definitely preferred Legion because maybe Hawley's ambition feels less pale in comparison to X-Men than the Coen Bros.