Dare I say it? Angelo Badalamenti was a little like Robert Cobert in that he could take what teetered on the edge of generic soap opera music and turn it into something romantic and beautiful, yet wasn't afraid to experiment.
I mean, take Cobert's track from Dark Shadows, 'Joanna' - also the main theme from the movie Night of Dark Shadows
and compare it with Badalamenti's 'Laura Palmer's Theme'
and there's a common romantic ancestry in the piano parts, but both manage to tuck a neat sense of unease in there, undercutting what could be conventional soap opera music.
Apologies if anyone has an issue with me mentioning Dark Shadows, but I'm an unashamed fan! I've got the complete series coffin boxset! I paid the equivalent of $65 in tax extra just to get it through UK customs and excise!!